Water & Sanitation

Water is life

GDT works with its partners to provide safe water and sanitation to the community in South Sudan. We aim to deliver safe water and promote safe hygiene practices in schools and communities

Sustainable Water

Clean water and sanitation systems is essential right for all citizens in South Sudan.

Well digging

GDT works on developing Well digging Programs with partners and private companies in South Sudan.

GDT works on the principle of helping communities have a reliable sustainable clean water supply. We work with our partners to raise funds and collaborate efforts for developing water projects to provide more solar-powered wells and advanced water supplies systems

Sanitation & hygiene

We accommodate families in rural developing areas in South Sudan with educational resources about water aid, sanitation, and hygiene

Raising Awareness

GDT teaches communities and individuals in South Sudan about the maintenance of proper hygiene while keeping up with our drilled wells

Irrigation Systems

GDT helps to ship equipment to help give new water containers to filter recaptured rainwater, irrigation systems for local farmers