investing in health progress

GDT pursues its goal of serving people in South Sudan by offering affordable medical facilities to all sectors and individuals. We plan to invest in providing specialized Medical Service that elevates general health and boosts the well being of all sectors of people

hospital 1
Accurate diagnosis

We work hand in hand with public and private hospitals to promote South Sudan as a regional destination for modern medical care in Central, west, and Southern Africa

hospital 2
qualified doctors

GDT strategic objective is to ensure excellence in all healthcare services by offering the very best care for patients and the community of South Sudan. We invest in qualified expertise and advanced health care systems and methods

hospital 3
Modern facilities

 We, at GDT are working with independent international healthcare providers, serving citizens of South Sudan by providing personalized, attentive care in a state-of-the-art facility and world-class medical techniques


GDT invests heavily in research and development and finances the studies to develop the medical environment for the community and patients

conducting operations

GDT focuses on collaborating with international health care providers to run core operations in South Sudan smoothly 

Worldclass Technology

We aim to create integrated medical solutions better controls, thereby improving hospitals’ productivity and leading to better clinical outcomes.